Lowongan Kerja PT. WIK Far East Batam
PT. WIK Far East Batam a newly established German Company manufactured Domestic Home. Appliances products in batam at Panbil Industrial Estate. Looking for experienced personnal for the following position:
1. Planning and Material Control manager/Assistant Manager
- Manage and responsible for loading production, capacity planning, line planning, material resource planning inventory and control, forecast planning
2. SAP Assistant Engineer
- Experience for building of Material (boM) upload to SAP, BoM structure and routing in SAP, strong in SAP
3. Molding engineering
- Experience as Molding engineer, Knowing well and experience with tooling, machine and parameter, ever as a project management]
4. Molding supervisor
- Experience in same field at least 2 years in manufacturing knowladge in process/strong in leadership, SAP advantage, having knowladge of computers
5. Supplier Quality Engineer
- Fresh graduate in Electrical/Chemical/Phisyc or experience minimum 1 year with the same position
6. buyer for supply chain material
- Experience in same field at least 2 years in manufacturing/knowladge SAP
7. Assistant Purchaser For Supply chain Material
- Experience in same field at least 2 years in Manufacturing/Knowladge of material planning buying/Have SAP and sourching knowladge
Send your CV to:
PT. WIK Far East Batam
Panbil Industrial Estate Factroy A lot 5-9 Batam
Email: batam.recruitment@wik-group.com
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